Monday, July 11, 2011

Vegas Baby!

Guess where we went next?   LAS-VEGAS!   We camped in the Oasis campground which had a pool, yeah pretty refreshing saying we’ve been in the middle of a desert.  Ok so maybe it’s not the desert you’re probably thinking of with sand more sand and the occasional cactus.   No!  This was dirt with rock structures and sage brush with the occasional sand wash.  The cacti were only 8 inches tall!  So back to Las-Vegas, we walked down the strip for about the whole day.  We saw a water show where they made all these cool formations with water!  Then we saw a pirate vs. sirens show with a moving ship and cannons shooting.  We also saw a miniature volcano erupt with shooting flames!  Then when it got late, we watched Cirque de Soleil’s KA (fire)!  Ka was almost too good for words!  My favorite part about Ka was probably where these 4 people are trying get up a pretty steep slope (around 45 degrees).  Then halfway up the slope they stopped to rest when an arrow (actually an arrow from the floor) hits between the guys legs.  Then spear men jumped from above where we were sitting and on to the floor (which was currently starting to move)!  Then more arrows hit the floor until the floor was covered!  After that the spear men and 4 people started swinging, jumping, and sliding on the arrows!  Yeah, I was pretty envious.  While they were swinging, jumping, and sliding on the arrows the stage was twisting at a 90 degree angle :)!  They kept going like that until they all fell off.  They did a lot of other awesome things that would take about 2 hours for to read.

Las Vegas bird in a water fountian

Siren's Bike at Treasure Island

Siren's Bike at Treasure Island

Mirage Hotel's Volcano Eruption Show

Pirate's ship at Treasure Island

Water Show

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