Sunday, July 3, 2011

ONE BIG POST! Wyoming, Utah and Arizona

Sorry we haven’t had an Internet connection for two weeks.  Yeah, so you’re in for a big post.  So anyway we drove through Wyoming to Devils Tower.  Devils Tower was awesome.  It’s cooler than in all the pictures.  Plus all of the Prairie dogs, they were so cool!   There were like, 50 of them and they were only 5 inches tall. 
Devil's Tower

Campsite at Devil's Tower
Rainbow near Devils Tower - photo by Ryan
Wacko and Yacko - Miniture Fainting Goats at Devils Tower Campground

Dot - Pygmi Goat at Devil's Tower Campground

Prairie Dogs at Devil's Tower

Prairie Dogs playing at Devil's Tower

Baby Prairie Dogs at Devil's Tower
 After that we moved on to Yellowstone where I discovered Justin’s camper is only 2 or 3 yards from mine!  Then we went out in the back country for some time to look at the Yellowstone canyon.  After that we walked around the Geysers and springs on the board walk and saw a lot of Geysers go off.  They were pretty cool they shot up steaming, boiling water into the air!  Then the next day we went drove around the park we saw some Bison, Elk, Pronghorn, and some Coyote.  Then we looked for wolves for 2 days then finally until we saw the Alpha pair, 1 white the other black (male is the black) then we saw 2 grey yearlings and 1 black pup. 

Waiting on Old Faithful
There she blows!  -Old Faithful
Geyser Basin
Grotto Geyser
Morning Glory Pool
Crows mobbing a Red Tailed Hawk

Old Faithful again from the geyser trail
Castle Geyser

Golden Mantle Squirrel near Old Faithful
Yellow Bellied Marmot near Old Faithful
Buffalo!  Buffalo! and more Buffalo!  -even on the road there are Buffalo!

baby and momma buffalo

lots and lots of bison at Lamar Valley

sneaky coyote at Lamar Valley

Big Elk

Fishing Bridge Campground

Golden Mantle Squirrel in a hidey hole at Tower Falls

Grizzly Bear at Pelican Bay

Oh! That itches!

Oh! Hi!

Lamar Valley - lookin' for wolves!

Lower Falls

Lower Falls

Red Fox at night

The boys at Roosevelt Lodge

Tower Falls

Uncle Tom's Trail at Lower Falls - man there was about a million steps back up!
Mountain Bluebird
Raven in flight
Alpha Female Wolf - You wouldn't believe how long it took to get this picture!
Those fuzzy little dots are actually the Canyon Wolf Pack lead by the black 712M male and the white alpha female.  Three pups (one grey and two black) are behind the alpha female, and one grey yearling is just in front of the black alpha male.  (We think!)  Many thanks to Joan and Mike who were kind enough to let us see the wolves up close in their viewing scope!

  Then we passed through the Grand Tetons and into Utah.  We drove to Salt Lake City to meet my dad’s friend Rives (RE-VS) from college for the first time.  My dad has not seen Rives for about 20 years.  We spent the night at his house. The next morning we said our farewells and headed out to Arches National Park.   

Grand Tetons

White Mules Ear

Grizzly Attack!  (OK, maybe we were in the Visitor's Center!)


Elk Herd - The town of Jackson, in the Grand Tetons, is the winter home for many Elk Herds.

Worlds Longest Elk Antler Arch in Afton,WY.  Well OK then!

Another, not so long, Elk Antler Arch

Dad likes the bear!

Even the parking lots are gorgeous here!

After a long drive to Arches we rested and woke up the next morning to go on the Fiery Furnace Tour.  For the next two days after the Fiery Furnace Tour we hiked around looking at petroglyphs and Native American Indian rock art.   On the final day at Arches, we hiked to Delicate Arch, Double o Arch and Landscape Arch.  My favorite arch was “Double O Arch” because it looked like a figure 8 and if you looked through it.  When the sunset arrived it was like looking through a pair of sideways binoculars.  I also like the fact that you could climb through one hole and out the other.   

I forgot the name of this Bridge inside of Fiery Furnace, but it was the first Arch/Bridge that we saw on the Fiery Furnace Tour.

Crawl Through Arch - Me first!

Ryan inside Crawl Thru Arch

Inside the Fiery Furnace

Inside the Fiery Furnace

Skull Arch inside Fiery Furnace

Exploring the world of potholes with Ranger Jon.  Did you say that you saw a Water Bear?

Campsite at Devil's Garden in Arches National Park

Campsite at Devil's Garden in Arches National Park.  Can you say awesome?

The next set of petroglyphs are from a location near the golf course in Moab.

The figure in the left is known as the Moab Man

Can you see the "sleigh and 8 reindeer"?  See even the ancient people knew about Santa Claus!
Chipmunk in the Juniper Tree in our campsite

Whiptail Lizard - We saw tons of these guys running around Arches!

The next set of petroglyphs are from Moonflower Canyon just outside of Moab.

There is lots of graffiti at this site :(

Can you see the "staircase" left by the ancient people in this picture?

Here it is!  This picture was taken by pointing the camera up through the crack in the rocks.  Somebody has removed the bottom few set of rungs on the ladder, or else we would have tried to climb it ourselves!
A little further down Moonflower Canyon
The next 6 pics are from the "Birthing Rock," even further down Moonflower Canyon.

Have you ever played "Where's Waldo?"  Well, how about "Where's the Jeep?"

There they are!  They were across Moonflower Canyon from us.   Those are some serious Jeeps!

...We've got more pictures to be uploaded here later...phew! This takes a long time!...Check back in a few days!

Then we left to go to the Grand Canyon.  Quite honestly, I was really disappointed in the Grand Canyon.  It looked like a big ditch.  Me-Maw thought it looked like a giant strip mine.  We did not get to hike down in and camp in the canyon because my mom got sick :(  I don't think the desert likes her.  Maybe it would have looked better if we could have gone below the rim. 


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