Saturday, June 18, 2011

I love Colorado!

Whew… after racing from place to place and putting the most boring ride in the world behind us, we finally made it to Denver.  We met Dad at Denver International Airport.  Word of warning, do not… I repeat do not try to drive a camper into the airport.  You could get a camper stuck, like mom almost did.

We are heading that way towards the mountains.  Stopped in Denver.

 Mountian Park, CO Campground in the Roosevelt National Forest

On the way up to Fort Collins, CO, we saw the Cache Le Poudre River which was pretty terrifying to think about kayaking on the river because the river was still in flood stage.  So… we decided to go hiking instead.  We hiked up to the top of the mountain from the campground.  My mom was telling me to “keep my hands out of rocks because of the rattlesnakes and it is not like we are geocaching”.  Then I said “but mom there is a geocache in there”.  My dad looked in and said “you gotta be kidding me” and pulled out a geocache.  While hiking we saw some prickly pear cactus.

Me, Dad and Ryan looking down at the campground and La Poudre River from the top. 

Looking at the Paudre River.  The rapids looked like the devil’s hand waiting to grab us and drag us to the bottom of the river, if we dared to kayak on it.  Dad like usual, had talked to every rescue person around and we found out they had been pulling people out left and right.  Their advice was to stay off the river and stay dry

 Hiking in the Roosevelt National Forest

While hiking we saw some prickly pear cactus.

Us after hiking the McConnell Trail above in the Paudre Canyon.

 This is Paudre Falls.... Nasty whitewater.

 One of the kayakers one Paudre River... Yeah... He didn't make it.  But don't worry he rolled back up later.

No it isn't snow.  It was a hail storm and it hailed all over my Hennesey Hammock.

Stay tuned for the next post, we are driving through Wyoming and taking lots of pictures.