Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hey, my name is Joshua and I’m going to be telling you all about my summer. I will probably be giving you posts while I’m in the Jeep driving from place to place.  The trip that you will experience (through my words) is called the Coast-to-Coast trip.  The reason we call it this is because we are going from VA to California in 7+ weeks in the camper!  I’m sure I will have a great time camping, hiking, geocaching, and kayaking.  We will be going to Mammoth Caves, Yellowstone, Devil's Tower, Devil's Garden, Grand Canyon, and  wait for it ……….wait for it………. Cal-i-for-nia, and everything in between(well almost everything)!  The last thing we’ll do is the Mid-west Geobash. 

 Now you will be able to hear all about my adventure! Remember I’ll keep you posted. 

 (My older brother Ryan and I after finishing the Farley Loop Trail at Pipestem State Park, WV July 2010)

Questions and comments would be appreciated, especially from my friends.  Thanks guys!

1 comment:

  1. My favs are the green river and the spider. When I did this trip with Timmy when he was 13(a long, long time ago), we were most impressed with the Black Canyon of the Gunnison and the redwoods. I'll keep checking for more family pictures. By the way I have your ski xmas card from a few years ago framed up at Wintergreen. AM
